Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here
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Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here

When my husband I decided to start a business, we didn't think about the legal aspects of doing so. We didn't realize that purchasing business insurance, getting building permits and making investments all required some type of legal advice. But after speaking to a close friend, who also happens to own a small business, we contacted a business attorney. Now, we have the legal smarts to make the best decisions for our business, as well as the legal representation in case something happens to our company. I hope that you find my blog helpful and informative for your own business. It's a great resource for finding the legal advice, resources and guidance you need to get your company up and running.

Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here

  • What To Know As An Employer About Medical Leave

    29 August 2017

    Medical leave is required by law for people who are ill and under employ with your company. Here are some things to know.  You're Required to Know the Policies The Family and Medical Leave Act allows employees a certain amount of unpaid time off if they or a close family member experiences a severe illness. Note that you, as the employer, are obligated to make employees aware of this allowance should you have reason to believe they need it.

  • Do You Need An Attorney For Your Workers Comp Case? 8 Quick Questions To Help You Decide

    21 August 2017

    If you've been injured at work, but it doesn't appear serious or if your employer is proceeding with the claim on your behalf, you may not ever need to hire a workers comp attorney; however, in many cases, you're better off seeking the advice of a qualified lawyer who specializes in this area of law. Because you have so much at stake, such as your future earning ability and bills piling up, you want to be sure you act in your own best interests, no matter what the circumstances.

  • Does Wet Floor Or Other Signage Really Make A Difference?

    1 August 2017

    if you have suffered a slip and fall due to a wet floor, you know that you may have a case for a slip and fall attorney. But what happens if wet floor signage was posted?  Are you fully at fault even if you did not see the signs before you fell? What happens then, and does premises liability laws still apply? The answer can be slightly complicated and there are numerous other factors in your case that will need to be examined prior to you being able to collect compensation for your injury.

  • Using Rental Vehicles For Work And Car Accidents: Are You Covered?

    1 August 2017

    There are so many unique situations into which you can find trouble while at work. One such problem is using rental vehicles to conduct daily business and traveling for daily business. If you work as a traveling sales representative, or as a traveling executive, and you get into an accident in a rental vehicle, can you sue? Does it fall under worker's compensation law, or accidental injury law? Here is how to figure out if you are covered by anything in this situation.

  • Things To Know About SSI Benefits & A Special Needs Trust

    24 July 2017

    Receiving SSI benefits is one of the best ways to have financial security when you are disabled, but the money can stop for numerous reasons. For instance, if you suddenly gain possession of a large amount of money, it is possible for your SSI benefits to be stopped. If you are in a position in which a large settlement from a personal injury was received while you are disabled, hiring a trust attorney should be considered, if you don't want your SSI benefits to stop.