Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here
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Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here

When my husband I decided to start a business, we didn't think about the legal aspects of doing so. We didn't realize that purchasing business insurance, getting building permits and making investments all required some type of legal advice. But after speaking to a close friend, who also happens to own a small business, we contacted a business attorney. Now, we have the legal smarts to make the best decisions for our business, as well as the legal representation in case something happens to our company. I hope that you find my blog helpful and informative for your own business. It's a great resource for finding the legal advice, resources and guidance you need to get your company up and running.

Need Legal Help for Your Business? Find It Here

  • Divorce 101: 3 Basic Financial Tips for All

    8 March 2017

    A divorce is an extremely stressful process for all involved. After all, splitting up affects all facets of your life – from shared friends to pet custody. While divorce isn't pleasant, couples can usually come to an agreement on who gets to keep the trivial things – like pots and pans. Unfortunately, coming to an agreement about finances isn't as easy. During a divorce, your finances will likely take a hit.

  • You Need Your Social Security Disability Benefits: 3 Suggestions That Will Help The Process

    3 March 2017

    If you've lost your only source of income due to a debilitating disease or injury, you're going to need your social security disability benefits. Unfortunately,only about 30-35% of applications for benefits are approved on the first attempt. That means you have between a 65-70% chance of having your application denied on the first attempt. That doesn't mean you should give up. It means that you should take the necessary steps to increase your chances of receiving an approval that first time out.

  • Are You Liable for a DWI if You Served Alcohol?

    14 February 2017

    In many DWI cases, the person driving is held solely responsible. But on occasion, they aren't the only ones involved. If you're a bartender, a concerned parent, or a friend hosting a party where alcohol is served, you may wonder what the laws are concerning liability and whether you are responsible if that person gets behind the wheel. Here's what you need to know so you can bartend, host, and party responsibly.

  • 3 Commonly Asked Questions About Eye Injury Claims

    10 January 2017

    Eye injuries can be a difficult thing to overcome; the sensitivity of the eye means that any damage that is done can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. While most of these injuries will be caused by an accident, there are cases where these injuries are caused by medical negligence. In such cases, it is imperative that the incident is addressed by a personal injury lawyer to ensure that you receive the benefit you are entitled to.

  • Have A Minor Pot Conviction On Your Criminal Record? What You Need To Know About California's Proposition 64

    8 December 2016

    While many people have been jailed for possessing very small quantities of marijuana, the plant has been medically proven to help people suffering from a variety of illnesses. Unfortunately, in many states, you can get arrested if you are caught with the substance regardless of whether you are using it for medicinal purposes or for recreation. However, some states like California have decriminalized marijuana possession in some instances. If you live in the Golden State and have charges against you that dated before California voters passed legislation in late 2016 to decriminalize marijuana, you may be able to get those charges reduced or dropped altogether.